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Paul works as a consultant and workshop facilitator throughout the United States and Canada focusing on:

  • strengthening and liberating voices

  • mediating conflict and helping congregations through seasons of transition and anxiety

  • expanding and enriching congregations' musical repertoire

  • sharing transformative musical leadership practices

  • developing creative, participatory liturgy

  • helping faith communities express their core values and theological commitments through music

Consulting: Residencies and Facilitation

Paul's skills and ministry experience make him a unique resource to congregations in transition, or those experiencing anxiety or conflict in their worship life. Long- or short-term residencies may include:

  • planning and leading worship in collaboration with clergy, musicians, and lay leaders

  • exploring and demonstrating how music and liturgy can be creatively integrated within worship

  • broadening a congregation's repertoire of sung prayer and praise

  • directing a church’s choirs, selecting repertoire, and leading rehearsals

  • offering experiences of how a liturgical musician can function in varied roles: organist/choir director, cantor/song leader, composer/improviser, and pastoral presence

  • helping to mediate conflict and identifying places of anxiety, stress, and resistance within a congregation's musical life

  • facilitating congregational dialogue/noticing sessions, gathering information about a congregation's worship life, including strengths, challenges, opportunities, and hopes for the future

  • facilitating dialogue/noticing sessions for leadership teams and search committees, helping them articulate the congregation’s deeper values and priorities for worship

  • providing written assessment of a congregation’s musical strengths and opportunities for growth

Paul also assists search committees as they identify the skills and leadership qualities they seek in a musical leader. He is available to:

  • work with a search committee to develop a job description rooted in the congregation’s theology of worship and present/future needs

  • collaborate with search committees to develop interview questions and assessments rooted in the congregation's core values, theology, and present/future needs

  • strategize ways to share a job description with a broad pool of qualified applicants

Consulting work can be done on site or remotely, through long- or short-term residencies, telephone conferences, workshops and webinars, email, and online collaboration. For a list of recent clients, click here.